The following is taken from my personal Bushwalking Diary. As it was originally meant just for me I have changed a few bits so it will make more sense.
It was written when I got back from the trip.
The Overland track
Tassie Australia
Cradle mountain & Lake St.Crair National park Monday 1/2/99.......11/2/99
One of the best trips I've ever had in my life.
The ever changing scenery and rewarding views around each corner and over every ridge made the 100 km walk seem easy.
We stayed in huts along the way and met many people.
Day 1
Bec dropped me off at Ben's house where we packed our gear [Ben borrowed a brand new top of the line Aking 0ne planet rucksack for me] Fiona drove us to the airport.
Day 2.
We left Tasman house backpackers by Bus from the rear gate (wilderness tours) heading to Waldenheim-Cradle Mountain.
We started out 400m short of Waldenheim after a short stop at some town with murals everywhere & another stop to get park passes.
Perhaps ten to fifteen walkers left the same time as us. We spoke to a solo bushwalker named Dave the first of many friendly people we met.
We crossed Cradel Valley on board walks and commenced the climb to the beautiful Crater Lake passing small waterfalls on the way. From the lake shores we stared in disbelief at the crater walls that were so high and we had to climb.
After a rest we climbed the steepest section of the whole overland track to Marion's lookout where we met some Queenslanders [they had a XXXX stubby each to drink later]
We then climbed a little further to reach the relatively flat approach to Kitchen hut and Cradle Mountain.
Awestruck by the scale and beauty of our surrounds we continued on to
Waterfall valley hut.
With no water at the hut tank we were fortunate in the warm overcast afternoon to find that a waterfall trickled enough to supply our needs.
It was here we met (among others) Alias, Kelly and the French woman, a woman from Sydney and a bloke from Tassie with his son and daughter from Victoria... Greta ( a sort of new age hippy).
We settled in for the night with the sun setting over the Awesome massive bulk of barn bluff.
Day 3
We headed off at 7:45 am Heading to Windermere hut, with Barn Bluff looming above us and dominating the surrounding area.
The km's went by quickly as did the time, it only took 2 hrs. to get to Windermere hut after a brief stop at Lake Windermere where we caught up with Dave ,Kelly & Alias.
We crossed Pine Forest Moor and headed across the vast high plains with valleys and gorges branching off in all directions.
We rested for 20 min. at Forth Gorge lookout, with a fresh breeze only at the very edge of the gorge on a still and sticky day. [we met the French woman here again]
We left the vastiude of the plains to be enveloped by the forests of Mt. Pellion west; on through Frog Flats, past inspiring Paddy's; nut, more vertical rock outcrops providing the back drop to the stage that we ants would cross. Justin was now well behind, I could no longer keep up with Ben. I rested... shortly to be joined by the French woman.
I'm glad I rested as the track again ascended. As I climb I have to stop, not because I'm tired but if I kept going, I thought a throbbing blood vessel was going to pop in my brain.
Less than four km's to Old Pellion hut... Knowing there were only four bunks in the hut I said to my self "I hope we get a bed and if there is a God, now is the time to get me back for not believing"
I continued on with Ben who had waited for me at the turn off to the hut.... three beds left just what we need!
We had a enjoyable swim, We swam in our jocks so as not to offend some women there, however when we turned around they were in the raw any way.
Two hours later Justin had still not arrived at camp despite Ben having carried half the weight of his pack... he had a pack heavy with camera gear. [we had walked 21 km's]... as we left to look for him he came over the rise with a big smile on his face in good spirits just glad to be there. We ended the day with the sun setting on the massive escarpment of Mt. Oakleigh. [we met Lorien from Sydney]
Day 4
We left Old Pellion Hut via new Pellion Hut, where Justin had to queue for 25 min to have a shit. Past some waterfalls where the rangers were building new board walks to the water falls. Then up, up, up to the MT. Ossa turn off "no way I'm climbing Mt. Ossa"... 5 min. Later... "Well... maybe 1% chance"... "80/20"... some more rest... "bugger it I'll do it."
Ben & Hop went on to Kia Ora Hut while I climbed to the summit of Mt. Ossa.
I wouldn't have climbed it If I'd known how hard it was but the feeling I got, being higher that any other Mountain in Tasmania with views of Barn Bluff & Cradle Mountain stretching from horizon to horizon 360o intersected by deep gorges and valleys was what I'd come for... "this was where I was meant to be" words cannot describe it.
On to Kia Ora Hut where I caught up with Ben and Hop who had had a swim and were getting bored. As night approached Ben decided to pull out the one litre plus of port he had carted in and shared it with our new friends playing uno.
Wallabies hopped around us not worried unless we got too close. A giant possum jumped on the post near Kelly and scared the shit out of her. Met Nikkei from South Africa and Caroline from the Blue Mountains- Her Mountain designs tent was floating in a pond after our first rain.
Day 5
My first easy day, Kia ora hut to Windy ridge hut via detours to D'alton Falls, Ferguson Falls and Hartnet Falls. They were spectacular after heavy rain over night.
The terrain was different today... mossy rain forest with more mountain ash as we approached Windy ridge Hut.
Our first full hut tonight.
Day 6
Ben was first to leave the hut, racing away before most people were out of bed perhaps to save good beds for us at Pine Valley Hut.
I followed shortly afterwards at a fast pace, though not able to catch up to Ben. We were glad we left early as after we made it through the beautiful moss covered fairy land known as Pine Valley to the hut, the rain started to increase, heavier & heavier, campsites began to disappear under rising water, until only two sites remained... A packed hut of 40 slept in a hut designed for only about 25. People on tables under tables squashed side by side and across the ends of the shelves that served as beds.... still all were in good spirits.
Day 7
About ten people left the hut this morning despite knee high water surrounding the hut. Justin escorted three girls to the suspension bridge ...worried for their safety... Knee high water had turned to chest high water... one of the girls stepped out of her depth... screaming as the water washed her away... her pack helped her float- until Justin jumped in & rescued her. This story spread up and down the track and back to the back packers before us.
For the rest of the day & night up to ten people played celebrity head [ "Am I fat Albert?" ] in the warmth of the coal fired pot belly with Barry the nurse keeping it going.....
Day 8
Well the water drained away very quickly, time to climb to the Labyrinth- good views of Lake St. Clair before cloud enveloped us.
Justin headed off to Narcissus hut after Ben and I returned to Pine Valley hut. by the Time I packed and ate it was 5 past 12 p.m. we had 2 hrs. 55 min. to do the walk declared 3 hrs. So as to make the last ferry, so we could get out early. [I wanted to stay]... we made it in two and a half hours... a bit of a blister developed caused by the half running. And the ferry didn't leave till 3:30 anyway We had a late lunch with Mick and ...what's her name? Alias And Caroline.
Alias stayed at Narcissus hut... WE went on to Cynthia bay in the Ferry And after a lift to the Derwent Bridge hotel we met up with the people from the hut.... few beers, pool and the best steak I've ever had.
Day 9
we left the pub on the return bus after bidding farewell to all. the five hour drive passed quickly as we passed through the magnificence of the world heritage areas.
Day 10
Shopping in Devonport
Day 11
Back to Melbourne on the plane.
People I can remember:
Woman from Sydney
The French woman.
Bloke from Victoria with son & daughter from Tassie
Tania & her friend, Ben + rest from Queensland.
Carmel , ------ & Barry the nurses, was it The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne?
Mick and ------ the nice couple that made a double trip in their car to give us a lift to the pub.
Caroline the Yoga teacher from the Blue Mountains.
Alias the postman from East St. Kilda
Jackie & boyfriend... from Tassie
The German bloke... some name starting with V or W... Wern or Vern?
The South African shelia... Nikkei
The American shelia... with the volatile fuel stove.
The very fast walking couple.
The bloke that stepped backwards to let me pass him and rolled over backwards down a slope.
Lorien from Sydney.. .I sold him my gas stove... the knob on his had melted... and he was going on to do Frenchman's cap.
The Marathon runners that passed us, running the whole track in a day.
The ferry driver that was giving a Japanese bloke a hard time for saying he booked a place on the ferry ( even though he didn't ) but there was plenty of room any way.
Last update on this site: 8/July/01 Panoramic & Prom pages added 15/7/01 Mt Oberon added to Panoramic page 19/10/01 Fun Photos page added. 2/Jan/02 Swaped many photos on Alpine page for new ones. 2/Jan/02 Mt. Howitt added to Panoramic page. 10/1/02 Deleted Grampians page 10/1/02 Deleted Lerderderg gorge page 10/1/02 Deleted Fun Photos page 10/1/02 Deleted scrp book page 10/1/02 Deleted Rain fall map 13/1/02 Victoria added to links page 20/4/03 new football poll added 23/12/03 map page added 28/11/04 new panoramic added "Ben"