Lerderderg Gorge Victoria Australia
Imagine yourself trying to follow the river at the bottom of Lerderderg Gorge. Walking in and out of the fingers of the interlocking spurs. At times blocked by sheer cliffs and raging torrents....This is rugged bushwalking at it's best... with the feeling of remote wilderness...yet so close to Melbourne that the suburbs are threating to surround it. Even now,sadly, houses are being built within the catchment...
Lake Tali Karng Vic. Australia
Formed by an ancient landslide. High in the Aussie alps...the lake is drained by an under ground river.
Prom Lighthouse
in winter.
Wilsons Prom Victoria
View from Mt Oberon
Mt. Howitt
Victoria Australia Part of the 360o view. Wilderness to the horizon!